
%0 Conference Proceedings
%@doi 10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2011.19
%T High Level Classification for Pattern Recognition
%D 2011
%A Silva, Thiago Christiano,
%A Cupertino, Thiago Henrique,
%A Zhao, Liang,
%@affiliation Department of Computer Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC), University of São Paulo (USP)
%@affiliation Department of Computer Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC), University of São Paulo (USP)
%@affiliation Department of Computer Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC), University of São Paulo (USP)
%E Lewiner, Thomas,
%E Torres, Ricardo,
%B Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 24 (SIBGRAPI)
%C Maceió, AL, Brazil
%8 28-31 Aug. 2011
%I IEEE Computer Society
%J Los Alamitos
%S Proceedings
%K high level classification, complex networks.
%X Traditional data classification techniques consider only physical features of input data in order to construct their hypotheses. On the other hand, the human (animal) brain performs both low and high order learning and it has facility to identify patterns according to the semantic meaning of input data. In this paper, we propose a data classification technique by combining the low level and the high level learning. The low level term can be implemented by any classification technique, while the high level classification is realized by the extraction of features of the underlying network constructed from the input data. Thus, the former classifies data instances by their physical features, while the latter measures the compliance to the pattern formation of the data. Our study shows that the proposed technique can not only realize classification according to the pattern formation, but it is also able to improve the performance of traditional classification techniques. An application on handwritten digits recognition is performed, revealing that higher classification rates can be obtained when we have a proper mixture of low and high level classifiers.
%@language en
%3 SIBGRAPI2011_Classification.pdf
